Changes to Documents, Systems, and Policies
The following changes have been made as a result of University of Illinois System initiatives:
CONTRACTS+ Document Changes
- Front End Documents (Single, Multiple, and Single Prime versions)
- Updated all 00 40 00 Bidding Documents to add "1.5 Use of Illinois Labor". Information included describing contractor requirements for complying with The Employment of Illinois Workers on Public Works Act, which mandates that during a period of excessive unemployment at least 90% of the total labor hours on State construction projects must be performed by Illinois residents. Required when level of unemployment in the State of Illinois for a period of two (2) consecutive months has exceeded 5% as measured by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Please review the new requirements identified in 00 40 00 Bidding Documents, 1.5 as this would be good to discuss at pre-bid meetings when unemployment threshold is met.
- Updated all 00 40 00 Bidding Documents to add Alternate Clause "1.6 Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Contractor Requirements for this Project". The C+ contract's header will include the following Yes or No question: "Will this project be pursuing Energy Tax Credits described in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022?". When answered Yes, the contractor requirements will be included in 00 40 00 Bidding Documents, 1.6. Please review the new requirements identified as this would be good to discuss at pre-bid meetings if included.
- Updated all 00 40 00 Bidding Documents, Item 6 to add "for at least one year prior to bid date"; to both responses regarding if the business has been headquartered in the State of Illinois, as a result of Public Act 103-0865.
- (For Single Prime document only) reformatted text throughout 00 40 00 Bidding Document, Item 6, to Bold and Underline text relating to "including Base Bid and Alternate amounts" to emphasize direction.
- Construction Bid Advertisements (Master and Single Prime versions)
- Added Alternate Clause “Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Contractor Requirements for this Project”, after “Project Labor Agreement” Alternate Clause, near the beginning of the document. The C+ contract’s header will include the following Yes or No question: “Will this project be pursuing Energy Tax Credits described in the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022?”. When answered Yes, the contractor requirements will be included in the Construction Bid Advertisement. Please review the new requirements identified as this would be good to discuss at pre-bid meetings if included.
- Added paragraph “Deadline for bidder Requests for Information (RFI) is 7 calendar days prior to Bid Opening date and time, unless otherwise specified”. Located after “Additional information about this project.” paragraph.
- Updated Bid Opening paragraph, “Documents required with bid:”, Item 4, to include “Certifications and Disclosures, or CPO Financial Disclosure Affidavit” after references to Forms A and B.
- The Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) Energy Audit Agreement (EAA) and Energy Service Agreement (ESA) were revised with recently approved language for the latest EPC projects that were negotiated with Energy Service Companies (ESCO’s), university legal, university risk management and UOCP offices to provide more clarity on ESCO / university duties, responsibilities and expectations when delivering capital projects using the EPC delivery method.
- BOT approved Capital Authority Approval Limits increases for Project Approvals, Project Budget Increases, Construction Contracts and Design-Build Contracts, were documented and saved in July 2024 on the UOCP website within Policies and Laws for Faculty & Staff. These new Capital Authority Approval Limits necessitated updates to C+ Automated Internal Review Workflows thresholds, which were implemented in November 2024.
- Request for Electronic Payment language has been updated to read “The University of Illinois offers two methods of electronic payments: ePayables (virtual credit card) and ACH (direct deposit). ePayables is the preferred payment method, it provides enhanced remittance information and more favorable (reduced) payment terms. To begin the enrollment process email or call 217.333.6583 and ask for Electronic Payment enrollment.” This language has been updated in the CM Award Letter Master, All Front End masters, All Notice of Award of Contract masters, All Notice of Intent to Award masters, PSC Congrat Letter, and PSA Award Letter.
- Updated language in the PSA Award Letter master document to identify requirement for “written program that meets or exceeds the requirements of the Drug Free Workplace Act (30 ILCS 580)”.
- Updated link in PSA QBS Advertisement master document to
- In September 2024, updated Business Enterprise Program (BEP) Goal sections to fix broken Commission on Equity & Inclusion (CEI) links and Veteran Business Program (VBP) Goal section within all Front End document masters and all master documents that link to CEI/BEP Goals.
PRZM Changes
- In December 2024, added a "Do Not Open" option for CCUs to identify regarding A/E Selection & Administration/ AE Administration/ AE Qualified Submittals.
FCPWeb Changes
- No changes.
VSA-CAPS Changes
- No changes.
PSP Changes
- In December 2024, updated "Initial Evaluation – Minimum Qualifications" Item 4 to read "A Form A, Form B Certifications and Disclosures, or CPO Financial Disclosure Affidavit is included with the submittal".
KAHUA Changes
- An Activity Code for the JOC Fee is available for all new projects in all four university partitions. The Activity Code was also added to existing, active projects with JOC contracts.
- A report extract has been created and is shared with the three universities monthly. This extract contains information on project details, pay requests, change orders, and more on a detail and summary basis. The extract also contains data needed to check the pay app status, data that was received from the report Payment Export Administration Report in PRZM.
- The Construction Pay Request job aid has been updated to include the process to reduce retainage.
- Created an excel "Contractor/Subcontractor Request For Proposal Response Breakdown Summary" input form and added to UOCP website (Contracts & Forms/For Contractors/Interactive Forms) for contractors to complete and attach in their Kahua RFP/Change Order Type Issue Responses to help PMs reviews.
Policies, Website, and other Changes
- Updated the Change Order & Amendment Policy to allow the use of PSC Field Directives during design phases. The following language was added to item III.B.1.: "PSC Field Directives during design phases should only be generated if the work is considered to be on a critical path of meeting the design phase schedule and cannot be recovered through other methods."
- Updated the Bid Tab excel document to update formulas for the Materials Deficiency Summary tab, which references PB tab cells. The latest "CreatedBidTabWorkbook_1024.xls", "BidTabZeroAltTemplate_1024.xlsx" and "BidTabTemplate_1024.xlsx" files were emailed to CCUs on 10/1/24, and include "Revised October 2024" within "Bid Tab" tab, cell C1. Also updated dropdown selections for Ethnicity (column AC) with the "PB-Diverse-Vet" tabs to match Front End document 00 30 00, Item 1.1 definitions.
- Updated C+ "PSA_Retainer_Renewal_Master" document's first page of submittal requirements to include following: "Identify Contract Type in Header as "Capital – Amendments" and identify Capital Contract Type in General Contract Info as "Capital - Amendments". In November 2024, updated the Retainer Agreement Policy, Attachment D, Item B.6 to add the following language: "In C+ Identify Contract Type in Header as "Capital - Amendments" and identify Capital Contract Type in General Contract Info as "Capital - Amendments. The dollar value should be $0."
- In November 2024, updated the Bid Submittal Checklist document to update references regarding "CMS" to "CEI". Document is located on the UOCP website at Contracts & Forms/ For Contractors/ Procurement Forms and Documents, Item F.
- As a result of Public Act 103-0865 for revisions to the State Property Control Act 30 ILCS 605/7a, when a new purchase of any furniture item that has a price of $1,500 or more, instead of the previous value of $500, is desired, the university staff shall first check if any surplus furniture can be used in place of purchasing new furniture. The Capital Projects Furniture Purchase Form affidavit previously shown in Attachment A is no longer required and is removed. Instead, if the university and CMS surplus furniture does not meet the project needs, a report on all new University of Illinois furniture purchases equal to or greater than $1,500 will be filed annually by System Purchasing in accordance with the State Property Control Act 30 ILCS 605/7a.
- Updated One Bid Procedure to delete following language "This Procedure governs capital project bidding when only one bid for a division of work has been received if that bid exceeds the estimate for the work."
- Updated UOCP website document located at Training/ Capital Process/ Reference Guides/ Risk Management for Capital Projects. Links to OBFS and contact information have been updated in the reference guide.
- Updated Alternate Capital Delivery Method Selection form to include Project Name and Project Manager's name.
- Updated the AFS R&R procedure to include the latest data shown in Attachment A.
- Added an example Word Document to UOCP website for the Liquidated Damages Considerations Worksheet as Item N located at Contracts & Forms/ For Faculty & Staff/ New Forms and Documents. This form to be used by UI Faculty & Staff to complete prior to seeking review and approval from UOCP (who will share with Legal) before including Liquidated Damage clauses in Front End Documents.
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Rogan.